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Frequently Asked Questions

If I am 65+ or have a disability are there COMET services available to me?

Does The COMET offer discounts?

The COMET offers discount half fare prices for those eligible. This includes riders 65+, persons with disabilities, Veterans, Medicare card holders and youth 16-18 with The COMET half fare ID card.

Do I have to wear a mask on the bus?

What if I lost something on The COMET bus?

I live in a Food Desert area, how can I get to a grocery store using The COMET?

The COMET on The Go! COMET to the Market program with Lyft and Uber is available for individuals living in a food desert area. With this program, passengers that board and alight in a food desert area and grocery store on our list can receive up to $8.00 off their ride with Uber or Lyft. This promo is available twice a week per passenger.

How do I get the code for COMET on the Go?

Promo codes for The COMET @ Night are available on board the inside of The COMET buses behind the driver. The promo code for The COMET to The Market with Lyft is "COMETMARKET20" for rides that originate or end at a fresh food market on our designated list.

I need a ride to get my COVID-19 vaccine. Can the COMET help me?