Listing of Routes Going to Satellite Polling Locations for Early Absentee In-Person Voting
(October 21, 2020) Columbia, SC – The Central Midlands Regional Transit Authority (The COMET) wants to help riders exercise their right to vote. Presently, all The COMET and DART travel is free of charge. Funding from the CARES Act continues to help offset revenue not being collected from fares. Older adults and those with disabilities may also call 803.255.7123 for DART services.
“We realize the importance of people having a voice in the political process and The COMET wants to ensure that transportation is available to help those needing a ride to the polls,” said John Andoh, Executive Director/CEO of The COMET. “Just knowing what bus or route to take to your destination is the first step in that process.”
The following is a listing of The COMET Routes going to satellite polling locations for early absentee in-person voting:
The COMET will continue to run fare free up to and beyond election day until further notice. The COMET can also take riders to their precinct on election day, November 3. Riders can plan their trip by downloading and using the Transit App. For more information regarding routes, please visit or call us at 803.255.7100. To find your nearest precinct for election day or other inquiries, visit
About The COMET: The COMET is a service of the Central Midlands Regional Transit Authority and provides countywide public transit services on 34 fixed routes, five ReFlex services, vanpool service for commuters, subsidy programs with Uber and Lyft and DART for transportation to grocery stores and at night, ADA complementary paratransit service throughout Richland and portions of Lexington Counties and eight Blue Bike bikeshare stations in Downtown Columbia. The COMET transports approximately 2.8 million passenger trips a year on a fleet of more than 80 buses, vans and trolleys. Transit services are provided under contract with RATP Dev USA, Inc., Enterprise Holdings, Lyft, Uber and Bewegen. For additional The COMET information, please call (803) 255-7100, TDD/TTY: 711 through the relay service, email: [email protected] or visit
Catch The COMET…We Will Take You There!