(December 7, 2022) Columbia, SC – The Central Midlands Regional Transit Authority (The COMET) and its partners want to ensure that residents of the Midlands don’t miss their shot before the winter holidays.
On Monday, December 12 from 8:30 a.m. until 2 p.m., The COMET is hosting a special vaccine event through a partnership with Health Force, LLC and South Carolina Association of Community Action Partnerships, Inc. (SCACAP). Anyone eligible for their primary COVID-19 vaccine or any of the COVID boosters may drop in at the hub at COMET Central to receive their shot. The first 100 participants will also receive a $50 gift card.
“We have experienced the important role of vaccines historically with other diseases and also recently in the battle against COVID-19. Vaccines have offered protection and helped us beat the odds to drive those COVID numbers down,” said LeRoy DesChamps, Chief Operating Officer of The COMET. “We hope that the community takes advantage of this incentive in order to stay safe and healthy, especially as we get into the cooler seasons.”
Valerie Aiken, CEO of Health Force, LLC. concurred saying, “As we embark on the 2022 flu season that coincides with the appearance of new Omicron variants it is vital for those especially vulnerable to get a booster vaccine to help further protect them against COVID-19 and minimize serious illness.” She added, “This partnership with The COMET and SCACAP is our way of serving the community at this critical time and helping to avoid another spike in COVID cases .”
The limited supply of gift cards will only be given to those receiving an eligible COVID-19 vaccination or booster. COMET Central is located at 1745 Sumter Street at the corner of Sumter and Laurel in downtown Columbia.
About The COMET: The COMET is a service of the Central Midlands Regional Transit Authority and provides countywide public transit services on 47 fixed routes, five ReFlex services, vanpool service for commuters, subsidy programs with Uber and Lyft and DART for transportation to grocery stores and at night, ADA complementary paratransit service throughout Richland and portions of Lexington Counties and eight Blue Bike bikeshare stations in Downtown Columbia. The COMET transports approximately 2.4 million passenger trips a year on a fleet of more than 80 buses, vans and trolleys. Transit services are provided under contract with RATP Dev USA, Inc., Enterprise Holdings, Lyft, Uber and Bewegen. For additional The COMET information, please call (803) 255-7100, TDD/TTY: 711 through the relay service, email: [email protected] or visit
Catch The COMET…We Will Take You There!