With Your Cool or Culture Pass...Ride The COMET to Fun in Columbia!

October 8, 2019

Cool and Culture Pass Users!  Why drive when you can take The COMET!

Take advantage of Soda Cap Connector,  a free downtown circulator connecting many of the Downtown attractions while using the Cool Pass or Culture Pass and best of all the service is free!  For more details on the Soda Cap Connector,  click here and click on Soda Cap Connector or call (803) 255-7100.  You can also see Soda Cap Connector arrival and departure times in real time by visiting http://comet.mytransitride.com.

For travel to and from the Riverbanks Zoo & Garden, ride The COMET Route 84 and request the bus operator to stop there.  When departing the Riverbanks Zoo & Garden, please call (803) 255-7100 one hour in advance for pick up. Visit http://catchthecometsc.gov/routes/ and click on Route 84 or call (803) 255-7100 for more details.  Regular fares apply when riding Route 84.

For more information on the Cool or Culture Pass, please call Experience Columbia SC at 1.888.809.7831  or visit https://coolpasstickets.com/ or https://culturepasstickets.com/